Jumat, 13 Juli 2018

Personal Description

My name is Bintoro Nugroho. I can be called Abi. I was born in Jakarta on April 9, 1996. I live in Sawangan, Depok. Since childhood I have lived in Depok. SD, SMP and SMA I was in Depok. I love music since I was little, because my father is also happy with music and often listen to songs since I was a kid when at home and in the car on the way to somewhere. When I started elementary school I was often invited to watch band concerts, until now I still often watch concerts with father or friends. Because of that, I became interested in listening to music until now, so it can be said that my hobby is listening to the song from Spotify on my mobile phone, sometimes I also like to come to the concerts of existing music. The genre specification I like is Rock. There are many of my favorite bands, like Led Zeppelin, Foo Fighters, Queen, and so on. And I have a dream to be like them, become an idol and can make many people happy with enjoying his work.

My current busyness is studying at Gunadarma University majoring in Information Systems. At the moment, there are some future plans that I need to finish. Starting from my first now in semester 8 so this should be my last semester at Gunadarma University. I want to complete my studies well and be able to graduate on time from Gunadarma University and by getting satisfactory results according to what I have learned so far. I also hope that the lessons I have learned at Gunadarma University are my provision in finding a job later. If I have successfully graduated from Gunadarma University, I want to succeed in getting a job in a state or private agency that can guarantee my life later. When that has been fulfilled I will do my best to pursue the job and if I have been rewarded for my performance, the outline I will do is first I will always repay the good of my parents who have been raising me up to the point the. Then I will fulfill all my desires that have not been achieved so far in order to get satisfaction for the hard work I have done.

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